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Out 4 Marriage

By August 22, 2012News

In these lovely, enlightened days there seems to be a growing groundswell of support for same-sex marriage.  The Church don’t like it of course – perish the thought of two people committing themselves to one another and living faithfully – and some more right wing commentators don’t agree with equal marriage rights for gay couples, but, on the whole, it looks likely that it will happen in the UK at some point.

Barack Obama is probably the highest profile individual to declare his support for gay marriage this year.  Now, though, Boris has also thrown his weight behind the Out 4 Marriage campaign.

In a brand new video campaign, leading politicians and personalities will explain why they are calling for the marriage laws to be changed.  In his video, Bozza states: “One of the amazing things about London is that not only have we got a declining crime rate, declining murder rate, more theatres than New York, less rainfall than Rome, it’s also one of the few places in the country where the rate of marriage is actually increasing.

“I see absolutely no reason why that happy state should be denied to anybody in our country and that’s why I’m supporting the Out4Marriage campaign.”

Video director Mike Buonaiuto told the Daily Mail that it was ‘a particular coup to secure the Mr Johnson for a slot on the Out4Marriage campaign, since the London Mayor has in the past spoken out against gay marriage.’

“We’ve seen a big U-turn from him in recent years,” Mr Buonaiuto said. “It’s nice to see a U-turn from him and it’s nice to see him speaking in support of the campaign.”

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